Ten Reasons to LOVE Seafood!

Ten Reasons to LOVE Seafood!

It’s that time of year – when our thoughts turn to love and those we love. So while candy and romantic dinners take up our thoughts on the 14th, the rest of the month is a good time to show ourselves and family some love through what we eat. With all that in mind, we came up with 10 reasons you should love seafood and include more in your diet!

  1. You love your heart! – February is Heart Health Month and research has shown that people who eat fatty fish, like tuna and salmon, twice a week have a lower risk of heart disease than those who eat less.
  2. Not all fat is bad! Yes, some fat is good for you! Seafood is a natural source of the heart healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These types of fats help reduce triglyceride levels (a fat found in our blood stream that raises the risk of heart disease), appear to reduce inflammation in our blood vessels and may help reduce artery clogging plaque buildup.
  3. There are numerous ways to prepare it! You may only think of using tuna to make your Mom’s tuna noodle casserole and canned salmon for salmon cakes, but did you know there are over a hundred of ways to use these pantry staples? From chili and omelets to paninis and enchiladas, check out our recipe page for new ideas for using tuna and salmon!
  4. It can help you manage your weight – Seafood is an excellent lean protein choice. It is a great choice for lunch or a mid afternoon snack that will fill you up.
  5. Your bones will love you when you eat it! Vitamin D helps Calcium in building strong bones and fatty fish, like salmon and tuna, are one of a few natural sources of Vitamin D. Adults can get up to 20% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin D in a 3 oz serving.
  6. It is a great substitute for chicken or beef! Tuna is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than most types of chicken and beef and has a mild flavor making it a perfect, healthy substitute in your favorite dishes.
  7. It’s a smart choice! The Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, has been linked to cognitive development in children. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015 encourages women who are pregnant to eat 8 – 12 oz of fish, including light tuna, weekly to get this important fat in their diets.
  8. Even your kids will enjoy it with these fun recipes! Building healthy habits and teaching kids to enjoy healthy foods early in life is really important, but getting kids to try new foods can be challenging. Make trying new foods fun and get them involved in the planning and preparation can help. Try our Kid’s pizza or Friday Night Calzones. The kids can pick the toppings or fillings and help shape the calzones into fun shapes or decorate the pizzas.
  9. That Mediterranean lifestyle sounds great! A meal with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seafood – what could be better! Well, sitting on a balcony overlooking Tuscany, but that’s a dream for many of us, so the next best thing could be throwing together a lovely salad with fresh vegetables, some fruit and a pouch of Lemon Dill Salmon Creations® with a whole grain roll on the side might just be the perfect way to re-invigorate your afternoon!
  10. Most important…You love the way you feel after eating it!
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