StarKist® + Feed the Children
Through our StarKist® Cares corporate giving efforts across the country, we know food insecurity has a devastating impact on lower-income communities. Our employees actively work to live our vision – to provide trusted, nutritious protein foods to more people.
For the past 15 years, StarKist® has contributed over 1,045,134 pounds of tuna and chicken products to help food-insecure children and families across the U.S., and more than $939,000 to support Feed the Children’s disaster and emergency response efforts. This is the latest in StarKist’s ongoing efforts to alleviate hunger and food shortages, a commitment that dates back to 1917 during World War I, when StarKist helped address a nationwide protein shortage.
In 2024, StarKist®, Feed the Children®, and Cornerstones hosted their Third Annual Summer Food and Resource Rally at Cornerstones’ Food Rescue Empowerment Enterprise (FREE from Hunger Center) in Sterling, Virginia.

Cornerstones promotes stability, empowerment, and hope through support, advocacy, and community-building for individuals and families in need. Since 1970, they have been a prominent anchor organization in Northern Virginia, annually serving 16,000 families and 5,000 children. StarKist® is a proud sponsor, contributing products, financial support, and employee volunteer hours to further their outstanding work.

When summer comes each year, thousands of kids across the Greater Pittsburgh Area are left without consistent access to healthy meals. StarKist is a corporate sponsor for the Kids Meal Network. The 10-week program feeds children after school has let out and there is no longer the offering of a daily school lunch. The Kids Meal Network offers a hot meal and a snack to the young community three times a week.

StarKist® supports The Miracle League of Alexandria, an organization that champions inclusivity and opportunities for adults and children with special needs to come together and play baseball. Their dedication echoes the sentiment shared across all Miracle League fields: “Every Child Deserves A Chance to Play Baseball.”

StarKist is a proud sponsor of Riverlife, a not for profit with the mission to reclaim, restore and promote Pittsburgh’s riverfronts. From volunteer opportunities to supporting the organization’s annual “Party at the Pier,” Riverlife is doing great things to make Pittsburgh a more livable city!

StarKist Co. and our parent company, Dongwon, have a long-standing commitment to recognizing Korean War veterans for their bravery and contribution to protecting freedom. We sponsor the Chosin Few Gala in Arlington, VA, to honor the valiant Korean War veterans who fought at the Chosin Reservoir.

StarKist is honored to donate product to our soldiers who proudly serve in the United States military. Last year, tuna pouch-filled “Thank You for Your Service” mailers were sent to more than 2,000 soldiers serving our country, both in the U.S. and abroad. We estimate that more than 50,000+ soldiers have received our tuna products through this program over the years.

StarKist® sponsors the Breakthrough T1D Greater Palm Beach chapter, providing annual support for their Gala event to raise funds aimed at ending type 1 diabetes.

We are also a sponsor of Canine Companion’s DogFest event that occurs in Reston Town Center each Fall. DogFest supports the mission of Canine Companions® to enhance the lives of people with disabilities by providing expertly trained service dogs, free of charge.